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Plant it Up: Beginner’s Guide To Office Plants

The other day we talked about the importance of adding plants to your workspace. Today, we want to talk about how you can add plants to your office space or at-home workspace. If you go to work in an office or have an enclosed private office area in your home, you probably have a window in there. But even if you don’t, not to worry. We got that covered too! In addition to the god-gifted natural lighting, private enclosed offices have the advantage of ample space or at least more space than cubicles.

So, you can make good use of walls and shelves, the floor, desk, and even window sills.

Here are some pointers to keep in mind:
● Succulents or high-sunlight requirement plants on the window sill, such as a Monstera
● Add low-maintenance plants to your shelves and desk
● Go for big plants in trendy planters for a large office space with loads of natural light
● Hang it up! Money plant, air plants, or English Ivy can work well in almost any setting
● Keep tiny plants in tiny planters on your desk for minimum distraction and maximum cuteness
● For a bit more personality, add a terrarium to the desk (you can decorate it with miniature toys and accessories)
● For low-light spaces, go for plants like the snake plant, ZZ plant, staghorn fern, echeveria, zebra plant, fiddle leaf fig, ponytail palm, and rubber plant

Follow these beginner-friendly tips to deck up your workspace and feel the difference in the
ambience for yourself!

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