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Outside-In: These Nature-Inspired Movies Will Give You The Feels

The weekend is rolling around, and that of course means quality time
with friends and family. If you are a nature lover like me, you probably
want to step out and breathe into the freshness. Unfortunately, the
pandemic doesn’t agree. But don’t worry, we have a list of nature movies to share with you. Watch one of these and you’ll be transported into the outside world from the comfort of your couch!

Into the Wild (2007)
Most of us have already seen this film over and over, but we just have to put this on the list. This Jon Krakauer’s novel-based story about Christopher McCandless is an entertainment package for the whole family.

The Mountain (2017)
Although this is a documentary, many people describe it as a visual masterpiece. Watching this movie is the closest substitute to being in

David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet
With the soothing voice of David Attenborough, this is one of the finest
ecological documentaries ever, winning 10 Emmys. It talks about the modern challenges of protecting our planet and offers some hope to
future generations.

Water babies, this one’s for you! With an animal filmmakers’ team, Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michel Pitiot venture into the unknown to paint a picture of the history of life. This is a great one to watch with kids.

Mission Blue
Oceanographer Sylvia Earle reminds us of the need to save the oceans
in this film. The documentary directors followed the brave Earle around
the globe, resulting in some breathtaking footage.

For those of you who are dying to get to the hills, this one is a must-
watch. This documentary is on a group of climbers and their quest to
become the first ones to reach the top.

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