It’s said that what’s inside matters the most; the same goes for your house. In terms of your
interior design, choosing more sustainable and eco-friendly options is not only a trend now
but also a conscious decision made by thousands of homeowners across the world.

Sustainable interior design generally denotes eco-friendly decor and make, using materials
that help improve the air quality while impacting the environment as little as possible.
We are all for eco-friendly, biophilic interiors! Not only do they add a touch of pizzazz to your
home but also double as a woke choice.

Now, let us show you some of our favourite elements.
- Plants as Decorations
When we talk of eco-friendly homes, the image that first pops in our mind is that of plants
and food for good reason. Adding greens to your space can improve the oxygen supply and
get rid of harmful chemicals from the air you breathe. They double on the beauty front too,
enhancing the ambience and adding a touch of freshness to your abode. So, bringing a little
piece (or a big one!) of the outdoors into the indoors is always a great idea.
Imagine this: the refreshing smell of mint or pine in the air…who needs artificial air

- KonMari Method or Minimalism For The Win
If you, like us, are fascinated by the KonMari Method, creating a sustainable space for an
eco-friendly living experience must be on your list. KonMari is the conscious practice of
simplifying, sorting out, and decluttering your life. It also offers a shift in perspective from
hoarding to being mindful of your possessions. Gravitating towards a minimal lifestyle also
mirrors the simplistic and clean aesthetic that is key in modern design.
- Go For Furniture Built From Natural Materials
Under this category, the first and the most obvious rule is “forget plastic”! Instead, for your
chairs, tables, and just about any other piece of furniture, turn towards natural wood (make
sure to check for certification), bamboo, recycled materials, etc. For counter and tabletops, a
luxurious yet nature-friendly touch can be added with marble and other stones.

Remember that particleboard and medium-density fibreboard (made with compressed
shaving and sawdust) are glued together using synthetic glues and resins containing
formaldehyde. This compound is an allergen to humans and carcinogenic to animals and
should be avoided.
- Don’t Forget Eco-Friendly Flooring
The flooring is probably something that gets overlooked in many eco-friendly homes. But to
be a true-blue loyalist to green living, you should opt for stone or wood materials. Chuck
vinyl flooring out the door, and go for cement, wood, cork, or Limestone tiles. Avoid using
vinyl (or PVC) as it is made of toxic plastic.

- Biophilic Interior Design Is a Big YES
Biophilia is becoming increasingly popular among design enthusiasts and professionals
alike. It’s the concept of having nature-inspired interiors which goes beyond simple
aesthetics. Importantly, biophilic designs have a significant positive impact on our well-being
too. A fundamental part of an ideal biophilic design is to highlight the openness of a space.
This also creates safe spaces or refuges in homes where you can retire to read, work, or
meditate. Another important rule here is to let as much light in as possible.